File #2824: "2020_Book_ChinaVAT.pdf"



1|About This Book|5
1|1 An Introduction to Taxation in China|9
2|1.1 Taxation in China|9
2|1.2 Sources of Chinese Tax Law|9
2|1.3 Tax Classification|10
3|1.3.1 Individual Income Tax|10
3|1.3.2 Enterprise Income Tax|11
3|1.3.3 Value Added Tax|11
3|1.3.4 Consumption Tax|12
3|1.3.5 Other Taxes|12
3|1.3.6 Customs Duties|13
2|1.4 Individual Income Tax|13
3|1.4.1 Tax Residence|14
3|1.4.2 Tax Liability|14
3|1.4.3 Worldwide Taxation and Six-Year Rule|15
3|1.4.4 Income Classification|15
3|1.4.5 Calculation of Taxable Income|15
3|1.4.6 Individual Income Tax Rates|16
3|1.4.7 Social Contributions|17
3|1.4.8 Special Additional Deductions|18
3|1.4.9 Tax Allowances for Expats|18
3|1.4.10 Withholding and Final Settlement|19
2|1.5 Company Income Tax|19
3|1.5.1 Company Income Tax Rate|19
3|1.5.2 Taxable Entities|20
3|1.5.3 Categories of Taxable Income|20
3|1.5.4 The Source of the Income|20
3|1.5.5 Tax Liability and Computation|21
3|1.5.6 Withholding Tax|21
3|1.5.7 Withholding Agent|22
3|1.5.8 Tax Computation and Deadlines|22
3|1.5.9 Anti-avoidance Rules|22
2|1.6 Transfer Pricing|23
3|1.6.1 General Framework|23
3|1.6.2 Related-Party Definition|23
3|1.6.3 Master File|23
3|1.6.4 Local File|24
3|1.6.5 Special Issue File|24
3|1.6.6 Country-by-Country Reporting|24
2|1.7 Tables|25
2|1.8 Main Tax Updates|28
3|1.8.1 China Imposes Tariff as Countermeasures to US Trade Restrictions|28
3|1.8.2 Additional Tax Cuts Package 2018|28
1|2 The Historical Development of Value Added Tax in China|41
2|2.1 Turnover Taxes in the Early People’s Republic of China|42
2|2.2 Turnover Taxation During the 1958 and 1973 Tax Reforms|43
2|2.3 Taxes on Goods and Services from 1979 to 1993|44
1|3 Business Tax and Value Added Tax|47
2|3.1 VAT with Chinese Characteristics|47
2|3.2 Business Tax|48
2|3.3 The VAT Reform Projects (2004–2019)|49
2|3.4 The Initial Reform Program (2004–2008)|50
2|3.5 A Comparison Between VAT and Business Tax|51
1|4 Consolidation of the Busines Tax and Value Added Tax|52
2|4.1 Reforms Between 2012–2016|52
2|4.2 Consolidated BT and VAT|54
2|4.3 The 2018 Reforms|55
2|4.4 The 2019 Reforms|57
1|5 VAT Overview (2019)|62
2|5.1 Goods and Services Subject to VAT|62
2|5.2 Taxable Subjects—Small-Scale and General Taxpayers|63
2|5.3 Goods Exempt from VAT|65
2|5.4 Non-taxable Services|65
2|5.5 VAT Rebates for Exporters|66
1|6 Future Developments|68
2|6.1 The Consulation Draft of the VAT Law of the People’s Republic of China|68
2|6.2 Taxable Thresholds Changes|68
2|6.3 Taxable Scope Under the Draft VAT Law|69
2|6.4 Miscellaneous Changes|70
1|7 Regulation and Circulars|72
2|7.1 Circulars of the MOF and SAT from 2004 to 2008|72
2|7.2 Circulars and Announcements from 2007 to 2012|81
2|7.3 Announcements of the SAT for 2011|85
2|7.4 A Selection of Announcements of the SAT from 2014 to 2016|94
2|7.5 Circulars of the MOF and the SAT for the Year of 2016|102
2|7.6 Circulars on Specific Business Segments Published in 2016|116
2|7.7 Circulars on VAT Rates for 2018|120
2|7.8 Circulars on VAT Rates for 2019|121
2|7.9 Circular on Seeking Public Comments on the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Value-added Tax (Draft for Comment)|127
1|8 Other Relevant VAT Provisions|138
2|8.1 Collection of Circulars and Other Regulations from 1993 to 1997|138
2|8.2 Measures of State Administration of Taxation in 2002|159
2|8.3 Circulars from 2000 to 2005|170
2|8.4 Notices of the SAT and Circulars from 2005 and 2006|172
2|8.5 Circulars and Other Regulations from 2008 to 2009|178