File #2616: "2019_Book_KeyDutiesOfInternationalInvest.pdf"



1|Preface and Acknowledgements|7
1|List of Abbreviations|13
1|Chapter 1: Introduction. A Transnational Study of Legal and Ethical Dilemmas|16
2|1.1 The ISDS in Flux|16
2|1.2 Investment Adjudicators and Their Duties: Present and Future|21
2|1.3 Key Duties of International Investment Adjudicators: Some Transversal Uncertainties and Challenges|26
3|1.3.1 Plurality of Sources|26
3|1.3.2 Sanctions and Enforcement|29
2|Legal and Arbitration References|37
2|Arbitration Acts, Institutional Arbitration Rules, and Codes of Conduct|38
2|International Conventions|38
2|Legal Documents|38
1|Chapter 2: The Duty of Disclosure: An Overview|40
2|2.1 The Duty of Disclosure in ICSID: Preliminary Comments|42
2|2.2 Formal Aspects of the Statement of Impartiality and Independence|45
2|2.3 The Content of the Statement of Impartiality and Independence, and Disclosure Standards|51
2|2.4 Timing, Celerity, Duration and Addressees of the Duty of Disclosure|60
2|2.5 The Scope of the Duty of Disclosure|65
2|2.6 Arbitrators´ Curricula Vitae|69
2|2.7 Arbitrators´ Duty to Investigate|75
2|2.8 The Role of Arbitral Institutions Regarding the Disclosure Duty|82
2|Legal and Arbitration References|89
2|International Conventions|89
2|Arbitration Acts, Institutional Arbitration Rules, and Codes of Conduct|89
2|Legal Documents|91
1|Chapter 3: The Duty of Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest in Investment Arbitration Disputes|93
2|3.1 Key Aspects of the IBA Guidelines|93
2|3.2 The Current Significance of the IBA Guidelines in International Investment Disputes|95
2|3.3 The Future of the IBA Guidelines in International Investment Disputes|101
2|3.4 Three Case Studies on the Present and Future Regulation of Conflicts of Interest in the International Investment Context|103
3|3.4.1 Multiple Arbitral Appointments|103
3|3.4.2 Issue Conflict|108
3|3.4.3 Multiple Hatting|116
4| External Activities While Serving as Adjudicators|118
4| Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Quarantine Periods|125
2|Legal and Arbitration References|133
2|Arbitration Acts, Institutional Arbitration Rules, and Codes of Conduct|133
2|Legal Documents|134
1|Chapter 4: The Duty of Personal Diligence and Integrity|136
2|4.1 Non-Delegation of Responsibilities|136
3|4.1.1 International Commercial Arbitration|138
3|4.1.2 International Investment Arbitration|144
2|4.2 Time-Related Availability|153
3|4.2.1 International Commercial Arbitration|153
4| Appointment Stage|154
4| Arbitration Proceedings|156
3|4.2.2 International Investment Arbitration|158
4| Appointment Stage|158
4| Arbitration Proceedings|159
2|4.3 Appropriate Behaviour|162
2|Legal and Arbitration References|169
2|International Conventions|169
2|Arbitration Acts, Institutional Arbitration Rules, and Codes of Conduct|170
2|Legal Documents|171
1|Chapter 5: The Duty of Confidentiality|173
2|5.1 The Duty of Confidentiality|173
3|5.1.1 International Commercial Arbitration|173
3|5.1.2 International Investment Arbitration|178
2|Legal and Arbitration References|187
2|International Conventions|187
2|Arbitration Acts, Institutional Arbitration Rules, and Codes of Conduct|187
2|Legal Documents|188
1|Chapter 6: Other Duties. Control of Arbitration Costs and Continuous Training|189
2|6.1 The Duty to Control Arbitration Costs|189
3|6.1.1 International Commercial Arbitration|189
3|6.1.2 International Investment Arbitration|191
2|6.2 The Duty of Continuous Training|194
2|Legal and Arbitration References|199
2|International Conventions|199
2|Arbitration Acts, Institutional Arbitration Rules, and Codes of Conduct|200
2|Legal Documents|200
1|Chapter 7: Conclusion. A New Code of Conduct for Present and Future Investment Adjudicators|202
1|List of ICSID Investment Cases|215
1|List of Non-ICSID Investment Cases|222
1|Court Judgments and Related Documents|224