File #2577: "2019_Book_FundamentalsOfMilitaryLaw.pdf"



2|Reflection on the Science of Military Law|13
2|Reconstruction of the Science of Military Law|18
1|Basic Theory of Military Law|22
1|1 Basic Terms of Science of Military Law|23
2|Section 1 Disciplinary Attribute of Science of Military Law|23
3|I. Attribution of Science of Military Law|23
3|II. Military Law Belongs to Public Law System|28
3|III. Categories of the Military Law Studies|29
3|IV. Relationship Between Military Law and Other Close-Related Disciplines|32
2|Section 2 Evolution of Military Law|40
3|I. Emergence of the Science of Military Law|40
3|II. Development of the Science of Military Law|44
3|III. Patterns and Features of the Emergence and Development of the Science of Military Law|54
2|Section 3 Significance of the Science of Military Law|58
3|I. Theoretical Significance of the Science of Military Law|58
3|II. Practical Significance of the Science of Military Law|58
3|III. To Strengthen the Studies on the Science of Military Law is the Objective Law and Successful Experience of the Legal System Theoretical Construction from Home and Abroad|60
1|2 Basic Theory of Military Law|62
2|Section 1 Concept of Military Law|62
3|I. Military|62
3|II. Military Power|64
3|III. The Origin of the Term “Military Law”|66
3|IV. Concept of Military Law|70
3|V. Object of Adjustment of Military Law|72
3|VI. Features of Military Law|74
3|VII. Values of Military Law|77
3|VIII. Status Quo of Military Law in China|79
2|Section 2 Phenomenon of Military Law|81
3|I. Military Legal Norm|81
3|II. Military Legal System|84
3|III. Military Legal Relations|86
3|IV. Military Legal Awareness|90
2|Section 3 Culture of Military Law|91
3|I. Concept of Culture of Military Law|91
3|II. Features of China’s Traditional Culture of Military Law|92
3|III. Status Quo of China’s Culture of Military Law|94
3|IV. The Strategic Goal and Means of Realization of the Modernization of the Culture of Military Law in China|96
2|Section 4 Military Legal System|103
3|I. Military Legislation|103
3|II. Source of Military Law|111
3|III. System of Military Law|113
3|IV. Military Legal System|118
1|Core Military Law|125
1|3 Legal Framework of Military Power|126
2|I. Military Legislative Power|126
2|II. Power of Appointment and Removal in Military|129
3|1. The Power of Appointment and Removal of the Organs of State Power|129
3|2. The Power of Appointment and Removal of the State Administrative Organs|130
3|3. The Power of Appointment and Removal of the State Military Organs|130
2|III. Military Decision-Making Power|131
3|1. Decision-Making Power of the Organs of State Power|131
3|2. Decision-Making Power of the State Administrative Organs|132
3|3. Decision-Making Power of the State Military Organs|132
2|IV. Military Supervision Power|133
3|1. Supervision Power of the Organs of State Power|133
3|2. The Supervision Power of the State Administrative Organ|134
3|3. The Supervision Power of the State Military Organs|134
2|V. Military Administrative Power|134
3|1. The Administrative Power of the State Administrative Organizations|135
3|2. Administrative Power of the State Military Organs|135
2|VI. Nature of the Military Power of the CMC|137
3|1. The CMC Is Subordinate to the Organ of Supreme Power in National Defense Leading Activities|137
3|2. The Commanding Power of the CMC Chairman Is of the Function and Power of the Supreme Organ of State Power|138
3|3. CMC Is Subordinate to the Supreme Organ of State Power as Well as to the Central Committee of Communist Party of China (CPC)|138
1|4 Armed Forces|140
2|I. Concept and Substantive Characteristics of Armed Forces|140
2|II. Position and Task of the Armed Forces in China|141
2|III. Objectives of Armed Forces Building|142
1|5 Military Administrative Law|144
2|Section 1 Outline of Military Administrative Law|144
3|I. Military Administration and Military Administrative Law|144
3|II. Legal Relations of Military Administration|146
3|III. Basic Principles of Military Administrative Law|147
3|IV. Structural System of Military Administrative Law|148
2|Section 2 Main Content of Military Administrative Law|149
3|I. “Common Regulations” of the Armed Forces|150
3|II. Military Personnel Legal System|159
3|III. Legal System on Military Training, Equipment Management, and Logistics|172
3|IV. Legal System of Servicemen’s Preferential Treatment|177
2|Section 3 Military Administrative Violation and Military Administrative Litigation|181
3|I. Military Administrative Violation|181
3|II. Military Administration Justice|198
3|III. Military Administrative Litigation|209
1|6 Military Criminal Law|225
2|Section 1 Introduction to Military Criminal Law|225
3|I. The Concept of Military Criminal Law|225
3|II. The Emergence and Development of Military Criminal Law|234
3|III. Military Criminal Legal Liability|236
2|Section 2 The Concept of Military Crime|237
3|1. Military Crimes and Crimes Committed by Servicemen|238
3|2. The Military Crime and Military Duty Crimes|240
3|3. Military Crimes and Crimes Relating to Military|241
3|4. The Military Crime and Violation of Military Discipline|242
3|5. Military Crimes and Military Criminal Law in Wartime|245
2|Section 3 Crimes of Violating Duty Committed by Servicemen|245
3|I. The Concept and Characteristics of Crimes of Violating Duty by Servicemen|245
3|II. The Criminal Responsibility of a Serviceman in Violation of the Duty Crime|249
3|III. The Types of Crimes Committed by Servicemen in Violation of Their Duties|251
1|7 Military Justice|268
2|Section 1 Overview of Military Justice|268
3|I. The Concept of Military Justice|268
3|II. The Historical Development of Military Justice|268
3|III. The Principles of Military Justice|271
3|IV. The Task of Military Justice|277
2|Section 2 The Main Content of Military Justice|279
3|I. Military Security Work|279
3|II. Military Procuratorial Work|282
3|III. Military Justice|291
3|IV. The Principle and System of Military Justice|294
3|V. The Main Contents of the Military Trial|296
2|Section 3 Military Criminal Procedure|298
3|I. The Concept and Characteristics of Military Criminal Procedure|299
3|II. The Origin of Military Criminal Procedure|301
3|III. Establishment of the System of Military Criminal Procedure Law|305
2|Section 4 Legal System of Military Lawyers|308
3|I. The Historical Evolution of the Military Lawyer System in China|308
3|II. China’s Military Lawyer System|319
3|III. Foreign Military Lawyer System|335
1|The Law of National Defense|347
1|8 National Defense and the Law of National Defense|348
2|Section 1 Basic Connotation of National Defense|348
3|I. The Origin of National Defense Concepts|348
3|II. The Fundamental Features of Modern National Defense|350
3|III. The Definition of National Defense|352
2|Section 2 Characteristics and Functions of National Defense Law|359
3|I. The Main Characteristics of National Defense Law|359
3|II. Roles of National Defense Law|362
2|Section 3 The Sources of National Defense Law|367
3|I. The Concepts Concerning Sources of National Defense Law|367
3|II. The Composition of Sources of China’s National Defense Law|367
1|9 National Defense Acts and Basic Principles of National Defense Law|374
2|Section 1 Legal Relations of National Defense|374
3|I. Concepts and Characteristics of National Defense Legal Relations|374
3|II. The Composing Elements of National Defense Legal Relation|375
2|Section 2 The Acts of National Defense|381
3|I. The Connotation and Characteristics of National Defense Acts|381
3|II. Classification of National Defense Acts|382
3|III. Influencing Factors of National Defense Acts|385
2|Section 3 The Basic Principles of National Defense Activities|390
3|I. The Overview of the Basic Principles of National Defense Activities|390
3|II. The Basic Principles of China’s National Defense Activities|394
1|10 Military Service Law|400
2|I. The Concept of Military Service Law|400
3|1. Adjusted Objects of Military Service Law|400
3|2. Military Service Law System|402
3|3. Status and Functions of Military Service Law|402
2|II. China’s Current Military Service System|403
3|1. Characteristics of China’s Military Service System|403
3|2. Military Service Working Organs|404
3|3. Requirements of Citizens for Military Service and Its Forms and Duration|406
3|4. Conscription, Recruitment and Mobilization of Military Troops|411
3|5. Rights and Obligations of Chinese Citizens in Military Service|412
2|III. Development Trend of Military Service System|413
3|1. Carry Out Military Recruitment to Guarantee Army Professionalism|413
3|2. Pay Attention to New Soldier Literacy and Enhance Troop Quality|414
3|3. Adjust Service Duration and Enforce Long and Short-Term Mixed Military Service|414
3|4. Strengthen Patriotic Education, and Enhance Civil Awareness of Military Service|415
3|5. Using Information Technology to Improve Conscription and Recruitment Efficiency|416
1|11 Legal Liability of National Defense|417
2|Section 1 Legal Liability of National Defense: The Conception|417
3|I. Legal Liability of National Defense: The Meaning|417
3|II. Legal Liability of National Defense: The Characteristics|417
2|Section 2 The Basis for the Determination of the Legal Responsibility of National Defense|419
2|Section 3 Identification and Investigation of National Defense Legal Liability|421
3|I. Identification and Investigation of Civil Legal Liability of National Defense|421
3|II. Identification and Investigation of Administrative Legal Liability of National Defense|423
3|III. Identification and Investigation of Criminal Legal Liability of National Defense|424
2|Section 4 Crimes Endangering Interests of National Defense|424
3|I. Definition and Characteristics of Crimes Endangering Interests of National Defense|426
3|II. Types of Crimes Endangering Interests of National Defense|427
3|III. Crimes of Endangering Material Basis of National Defense|430
3|IV. Crimes of Obstructing Administration Order of National Defense|435
3|V. Crimes of Endangering Armed Forces Building|439
1|The Law of War|445
1|12 An Introduction to the Law of War|446
2|Section 1 Basic Theories of the Law of War|446
3|I. The Historical Development of Ancient Law of War|446
3|II. The Development of Traditional and Modern Law of War|451
2|Section 2 The Sources of the Law of War|454
3|I. The Concept of the Sources of the Law of War|454
3|II. The Sources of the Law of War|454
2|Section 3 The Roles of the Law of War|457
3|I. The Positive Roles of the Law of War|457
3|II. The Limitation of the Role of the Law of War|462
1|13 The Basic Legal Principles and Rules of Military Operations in Wartime|466
2|Section 1 The Basic Legal Principles of the Law of War|466
3|I. The Basic Principles of the Law of War|466
3|II. The General Principles of the Law of War|468
2|Section 2 The Basic Principles of Military Operations in Wartime|471
3|I. The Inception and End of War|471
3|II. The Restrictions on the Means and Methods of Warfare|474
2|Section 3 The Principles of Humanitarian Protection in War|482
3|I. The History of Humanitarian Protection in War|483
3|II. The Principles of Humanitarian Protection in Wars|484
1|15 The Crimes of War|538
2|Section 1 Introduction to the Crimes of War|538
3|I. Concept of the Crimes of War|538
3|II. The Types of the Crimes of War|539
2|Section 2 Legal Liability of the Crimes of War|540
3|I. Two Forms of Punishments for the Crimes of War|540
3|II. International Practices of Punishing the Crimes of War|542
1|International Military Law|552
1|16 Concept and Characteristics of International Military Law|553
2|I. Concept of International Military Law|553
3|1. Objects Regulated by International Military Law|553
3|2. Law of War and International Military Law|554
2|II. Basic Characteristics of International Military Law|555
1|17 Main Content of International Military Law|557
2|I. Collective Security Guarantee Regime Under the UN Charter|557
3|1. Security Guarantee Regime Established by the League of Nations|557
3|2. Collective Security Regime Under the UN Charter|558
3|3. Some Major Legal Issues in the Contemporary Collective Security Regime|559
2|II. Disarmament Regime|563
3|1. The Necessity of Disarmament|563
3|2. Disarmament Is an Important Content of International Military Laws|564
3|3. Major Legal Measures on Disarmament Adopted by the United Nations|565
3|4. Content of United Nations Disarmament and International Disarmament Bodies and Institutions|566
3|5. Content of Disarmament Treaties|568
2|III. UN Peace Keeping Operations System|569
3|1. Basic Legal Meaning|570
1|18 China’s Practice of International Military Law|573
2|I. China’s Legal Perspectives on International Collective Security Guarantee|573
2|II. China’s Legal Practice on Disarmament|573
3|1. China’s Principles and Measures on Disarmament|574
3|2. China’s Practical Actions of Disarmament|575
2|III. China’s Participation in the United Nations International Peacekeeping Operations|576