File #2814: "2020_Book_IntellectualPropertyInChina.pdf"



2|Drafts, Regulations, Opinions and Legal Definitions|8
2|IP Rights Protection and Enforcement in Other Provisions|10
1|1 Evolution of the Intellectual Property Law in China|15
2|1.1 Origins|15
2|1.2 Late Empire|16
2|1.3 Chinese Republic|17
2|1.4 Maoist Era|18
2|1.5 The Reforms’ Era|19
2|1.6 The 1990s|20
2|1.7 The New Millennium|21
2|1.8 The Roots of a Supposed Idiosyncrasy|22
2|1.9 Current Protection Framework|23
1|2 Patents|25
2|2.1 Definition and Main Characteristics|25
2|2.2 Law and Regulations|26
2|2.3 Patents in PRC: Requirements, Scope of Protection and Validity|28
2|2.4 Common Rules for Registration and Appeal System|29
2|2.5 Patents: Limitations, Patentability, Transfer of Rights and Duration|33
2|2.6 Design Patents: Distinctive Aspects|37
2|2.7 Licensing and Transfer of Patents|40
2|2.8 Enforcement|42
2|2.9 Proposed Amendments|46
1|3 Trademark|48
2|3.1 Definition|48
2|3.2 Laws and Regulations|50
2|3.3 Trademark Requirements and Characteristics|52
2|3.4 Domestic and International Registration|55
2|3.5 Language|57
2|3.6 Registration Procedure, Opposition, Invalidation and Cancellation for Non-use|60
2|3.7 Malicious Practices, Good Faith Principle|63
2|3.8 Well-Known Trademark|65
1|4 Copyright|67
2|4.1 Definition|67
2|4.2 Law and Regulations|68
2|4.3 Scope of Protection|69
2|4.4 Attribution|72
2|4.5 Permission, Limitations and Exceptions|74
2|4.6 Registration of Copyright|76
2|4.7 Licensing, Transfer|77
2|4.8 Infringement|78
2|4.9 Enforcement|83
1|5 IP Rights Protection and Enforcement in Other Provisions|87
2|5.1 Trade Secrets (Anti-unfair Competition)|87
2|5.2 Foreign Investment Law (2019)|89
2|5.3 Web Pages “Take Down”|90
2|5.4 Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Right|91
1|6 Proposed Translation for Trademark Law (November 11, 2019)|94