File #2320: "2018_Book_ToleranceExperimentsWithFreedo.pdf"



1|Chapter 1: Introduction|18
2|1.1 Tolerance: Experiments with Freedom in the Netherlands|18
2|1.2 Learning from History|19
2|1.3 Tolerance|20
2|1.4 Freedom|22
2|1.5 Harm Principle|24
2|1.6 Applying Toleration to Philosophy Itself: Political Liberalism and Public Reason|26
2|1.7 Liberal Constitution|28
2|1.8 Theory and Practice: Chapters 2–12|29
1|Chapter 2: Can We Learn from History? A Letter to Mr. John Locke, Philosopher|50
2|2.1 Mr. John Locke, Philosopher|50
2|2.2 Afterlife|52
2|2.3 Dutch Tolerance|53
2|2.4 Scientific Revolution|56
2|2.5 Freedom of Religion|58
2|2.6 Dutch Revolution|59
2|2.7 The Low-Country Model and the Commercial Revolution|61
2|2.8 Two Treatises on Government|64
2|2.9 Glorious Revolution|65
2|2.10 The Taking Away of God Dissolves All|66
2|2.11 Liberalism: Political, Not Metaphysical|68
2|2.12 Radical Enlightenment: Freedom to Philosophize|69
2|2.13 Harm Principle, Euthanasia and Sexual Morality|71
2|2.14 Social Contract, Democracy and Social Rights|74
2|2.15 Slavery|76
2|2.16 History and Philosophy|77
2|2.17 Liberal Constitution|78
2|2.18 American, French, Haitian and Curaçaoan Revolutions|80
2|2.19 Industrial, Russian and Technological Revolutions|81
2|2.20 Cultural, Sexual, Digital and Information Revolutions|83
2|2.21 Whig Interpretation of History|85
1|Chapter 3: Sex, Morality and Law|89
2|3.1 Eroticism, Morality and Law|89
2|3.2 1886: Harm Principle|91
2|3.3 1911: Christian Moralism|94
2|3.4 1960s: Moral Majority|96
2|3.5 1984: Back to Liberalism|100
2|3.6 Harm to Women?|102
2|3.7 Pornography Is Going On-line|106
2|3.8 Dutch Youth Culture|107
2|3.9 Legal Morality and Sexual Ethics|110
2|3.10 Sacral Eroticism|111
2|3.11 Either/Or|114
2|3.12 Good Sex|115
2|3.13 Consent|118
2|3.14 Communion and Perversion|121
2|3.15 Multiple Love|122
1|Chapter 4: My Story: Ascertaining the Truth in Cases of Incest|127
2|4.1 Incest, Narrativity and Truth|127
2|4.2 The Narrative Theory of Law: Narrative and Normative Coherence|130
2|4.3 Yolanda’s Story: Is It True?|132
2|4.4 Witnesses and Experts|134
2|4.5 Dissociation and Multiple Personality Disorder|135
2|4.6 Research in the Social Sciences: Shifting Disclosure|137
2|4.7 Van Haren’s Deduction: Is It True?|139
2|4.8 Coherence and Correspondence|142
2|4.9 Truth in Incest Cases: Anchored Narratives|145
2|4.10 The Case of Casanova: Is It Wrong?|147
2|4.11 Normative Coherence: Christian Moralism Versus Hedonism|149
2|4.12 Normative Coherence: Liberalism|152
2|4.13 Conclusion|155
1|Chapter 5: Dutch Weed and Logic|162
2|5.1 Stoned Thinking|162
2|5.2 The Netherlands and the United States|165
2|5.3 The Logic of the Dutch Memorandum on Drug Policy|169
2|5.4 Inconsistencies|172
2|5.5 Harm Principle and Drug Policy|173
2|5.6 Drugs: Benefits|175
2|5.7 Harm to Users|177
2|5.8 Paternalism|179
2|5.9 Harm to Others|182
2|5.10 The Disasters of War|183
2|5.11 The Right to Be High|186
2|5.12 Balance|189
1|Chapter 6: I Have No Regrets: Dutch Euthanasia|195
2|6.1 Self-Euthanasia|195
2|6.2 A Concise History of Euthanasia|198
2|6.3 Emancipation of the Dying|199
2|6.4 The Dutch Road to Legalization|201
2|6.5 Case Law|203
2|6.6 The Termination of Life Act|205
2|6.7 Dutch Tolerance|206
2|6.8 Underlying Morality|207
2|6.9 Evaluations|208
2|6.10 Sanctity of Life|213
2|6.11 Human Dignity|216
2|6.12 The Rationale of the Taboo on Killing|217
2|6.13 Individual Autonomy|222
2|6.14 Volenti and Slavery|224
2|6.15 The End|230
1|Chapter 7: One of Us: On Human Identity and Freaky Justice|237
2|7.1 Cabinets of Curiosity|237
2|7.2 A Cultural History of Freaks|239
2|7.3 Freaks|244
2|7.4 One of Us?|247
2|7.5 From Monsters to Mutants: The Contemporary Reception of Freaks|248
2|7.6 Freaky Justice: What Is It?|253
2|7.7 Freaky Justice: The Least Advantaged|256
2|7.8 Contemporary Freak Shows: Autonomy and Discrimination|259
2|7.9 Individual Autonomy: Chained for Life|262
2|7.10 Self-Respect: Beauty and Grace|264
2|7.11 Conclusion: The Natural Lottery|268
1|Chapter 8: We Want Our Freedom: Slavery and Public Reason|272
2|8.1 We Want Our Freedom|272
2|8.2 Public Reason: Religious Wars, Toleration, and Locke|274
2|8.3 Public Reason: Political Liberalism|276
2|8.4 Public Reason: Reasonable Pluralism|278
2|8.5 Comprehensive Reason: Waldron’s Locke|279
2|8.6 Comprehensive Reason: Disagreement and Majoritarianism|282
2|8.7 In Defence of Public Reason: Neutrality and Majority|284
2|8.8 In Defence of Public Reason: Rationality, Morality and Slavery|286
2|8.9 The History of Slavery|289
2|8.10 The Philosophy of Slavery|292
2|8.11 Virginia, Capitein, and Locke|297
2|8.12 Virginia’s Trial|299
1|Chapter 9: I Have Cleansed My Honour: Multiculturalism and the Dutch Pillar System|309
2|9.1 Honour Killing|309
2|9.2 Diversity and Immigration: A Concise History|311
2|9.3 The Pillar System and Thereafter|313
2|9.4 Immigration and Diversity Since the 1960s|315
2|9.5 Integration of Muslim Minorities|319
2|9.6 Minority Rights|321
2|9.7 Towards a Muslim Pillar?|326
2|9.8 Plural Muslim Pillarization?|328
2|9.9 Inclusive Neutrality|331
2|9.10 Exclusive Neutrality|334
2|9.11 Honour Killing|336
2|9.12 Cultural Defence|339
2|9.13 Conclusion|341
1|Chapter 10: Close the Borders!: Dutch Intolerance and Freedom of Speech|347
2|10.1 Discriminatory Speech|347
2|10.2 Down with the Multicultural Society|348
2|10.3 Wilders: Dutch Intolerance|352
2|10.4 Clash of Civilizations?|356
2|10.5 Or the End of History?|359
2|10.6 Hollandistan?|360
2|10.7 The Wilders Trial|361
2|10.8 Harm and Offence|365
2|10.9 The Mobilization of Truth|368
1|Chapter 11: Laïcité in the Low Countries? On Headscarves in a Neutral State|373
2|11.1 France vs. The Netherlands|373
2|11.2 Tribalising the Netherlands|374
2|11.3 Qu’est-ce que la Laïcité?|375
2|11.4 Banning Headscarves|377
2|11.5 A Short History of French Laicity|378
2|11.6 National Models|381
2|11.7 The Dutch Law on Equal Treatment, and Headscarves|384
2|11.8 Private Virtue, Public Vice|387
2|11.9 Private Domain|388
2|11.10 Neutral Jurisdiction|392
2|11.11 The L-Scale|395
2|11.12 Pupils’ Headscarves|396
2|11.13 Conclusion|397
1|Chapter 12: Coda: The End of Tolerance?|402
2|12.1 Dear John|402
2|12.2 The End of Tolerance?|403
2|12.3 The Paradox of Tolerance|404
2|12.4 Worst-Case Scenario|406
2|12.5 Cautious Optimism|407
2|12.6 Extrapolation|407
2|12.7 Polarization|409
2|12.8 Black Pete|411
2|12.9 New Social Contract|413